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Why caste should be counted in Why caste should be counted in Enumeration of the obcs included in the census will help evidence based formulation and monitoring of Pandora Charms Australia Sale policies of social justice.It require been done in 2001 itself. The united progressive alliance government has a knack of arriving at the right choices for the wrong reasons.The latest announcement on counting caste in the census is very good example.In this case, as when telangana, a policy measure that was long overdue has been made to turn into a hasty decision.As with regards to the mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee scheme, the us govenment needed some arm twisting to act in the larger national interest, and unique.Troublesome count the other backward classes(Obcs)In next census is, and are worthy of been, presented as a forward looking and overdue policy s ... Read more »

Views: 377 | Added by: julieing | Date: 02.12.2015 | Comments (0)